Working through your Growth Plan with a Training Partner is a key part of a sustainable, enjoyable and fruitful discipleship experience. Training Partners are two to four disciples of the same gender who journey together through the 90 days of a Growth Plan. They are encouraged to meet weekly and to structure their time together by following the discussion guides in the Growth Plan book.
The best way to identify a Training Partner is to reach out to people you already know who also desire to follow Jesus. Starting the Growth Plan with someone you already know typically makes it easier to trust and be vulnerable when discussing your Growth Plan experience. Fellow Life Group members, those in your SOAP study group, people you serve with at Northview are just some of the people you should consider.
However, you may have reached out to others who have not shown interest. Or, you simply may not have many relationships at Northview, but you appreciate the importance of journeying with others in your discipleship. If this describes you and you would like help getting connected to a Training Partner at your Northview campus, you can respond to the questions below and we will try to match you with one or more Training Partners.